(08-15-2012, 06:03 AM)ohiotom76 Wrote: We used to scare my coonhound mix for fun when she was a puppy, and she grew up to be quite skittish. I hindsight it was mean, but we'd make a giant hand shadow on the wall or ceiling with a flashlight like it was coming to get her and she would freak out and run under the couch. When she started getting bigger and couldn't fit, she would still try and just hide her head under the couch. Also the hair on her back would stand up like a mohawk. lol.
That's odd he's not skittish about skunks, but I also wonder if he's avoided some confrontations with other animals simply because he doesn't come across as threatening too.
First, as a child we had a coonhound, he was a amazing dog. I still miss him til this day.
I can't figure Gix out. He just is so friendly or unaware that he doesn't care. Just today he was trying to make nice with a groundhog. Lucky for him that the groundhog thought he was weird, after a few minutes the groundhog went into the woods. It could have been nasty, groundhogs are vicious. I saw one disembowel a cat a few years ago. Not pretty.