Yeah, seems common amongst chihuahuas. I think it's funny really. I'm more curious now as to why she decides some pieces of food aren't worth eating after she takes them away from the bowl. At first, I thought maybe she kept singling the same pieces out and maybe they were stale, but eventually she will clean her bowl so she eats the ones she has discarded at some point earlier. I was considering trying to say NO! when she walks back to the bowl without eating the ones she's dropped. Maybe that could teach her not to leave them around? I'm not sure I should tell her NO while eating though, might confuse her. Like I said, it's not really a big deal, but I'd rather not have to pick up kibble strewn about the room all of the time. When she leaves them on the kitchen tile and you step on them, they make a bit of a mess. But hey, if that's the worst thing she does, I'm not complaining.