TreeClimber, I believe your brother's Yorkie is one of the exceptions. I don't mean to offend any other Yorkie owners here, but I've owned one and I can honestly say that it was my least favorite breed. I'm sure there are plenty loveable, well-behaved ones out there, but mine was such a terror that he ruined me for this breed.
The first day I took him to obedience school the teacher told me Yorkies were not quick learners. Did my dog prove her right! It took him a few weeks to learn even the simplest commands, and then he'd only do them if he was in the mood to. He also knew how to work my last nerve because if I went downstairs to do laundry, he hated being alone so much that (I swear he did this on purpose) he'd poop in front of my front door so that when I opened it up after coming back inside, it would smear across my carpet. He knew he'd done wrong because he was already hiding under my couch when I opened the door. I had never owned a dog so difficult to train and stubborn. He had me in tears the few years I owned him with all the things he ruined in my home. I ended up giving him away to a woman who loved Yorkies. I hope she had better luck with him than I did.